Catalog page of Lenci Doll Published in Au Printemps, Jouets, Mardi 7 Décembre, 1920
Dominique Pennegues drew my attention to this wonderful catalog page from Au Printemps showing the range of Lenci dolls offered from sale for Winter 1920/21. A notice on the cover of the Au Printemps toy catalog announces that the toys will be on exhibit from Tuesday Dec 7, 1920 for the entire month. Here we see examples of some of the earliest and rarest of Lenci dolls such as the Pierrot, the cowboy, Harelquin, the Salome doll, which was already on the market in 1919, and the early toddler dolls etc. Notice the prices in French francs, which were roughly equivalent to the US dollar value at the time.
Many thanks to Dominique for this rare record of Lenci dolls from winter 1920-21.
Dominique’s website: http://french-cloth-dolls-encyclopedia.com/web/index.php/en/